Alec Worley

Alec Worley

I’m a freelance creative writer based in London, currently working on comics, audio dramas and fiction projects across several licenses including Warhammer, Star Wars, Trollhunters and 2000 AD (home of Judge Dredd). I mainly create original stories for licensed properties, writing for both adults and younger readers. But I’ve also written comic-book adaptations of novels and TV, as well as custom projects for various publishers. I’ve created my own original stories too, as well as blogged extensively about the processes and disciplines of writing and storytelling. Overall, my main areas of expertise are the genres of horror, fantasy and sci-fi. If it has fangs, swords or lasers, I’m in! Background? Well, I was born in Portsmouth, raised in South London, screwed up at school and never went to college. Everything I know about writing, storytelling and genre I learned from reading about it, doing it badly and figuring out how to do it better. After a year or so on the dole, I became a projectionist in the picture palaces and fleapits of the West End before jacking it in to become a freelance movie journalist for Sight & Sound, Empire, Total Film, SFX, and others. In 2005 I published Empires of the Imagination: A Critical Survey of Fantasy Cinema from Georges Méliès to The Lord of the Rings, a comprehensive study spanning every fantasy genre from fairy tales to sword and sorcery. I got into comics through the slush pile at 2000 AD for whom I went on to write a number of classic characters including Judge Dredd, Judge Anderson, Durham Red and Robo-Hunter. It was for 2000 AD that I created my first two original series: the paranormal comedy Dandridge (with artist Warren Pleece) and apocalyptic werewolf saga Age of the Wolf (with artist Jon Davis-Hunt). ​For younger readers, I had a long run writing Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles comics (based on the 2012 TV show), before moving on to write a string of original comics for Star Wars and DreamWorks’ Trollhunters.

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