Giorgia Marras

Giorgia Marras


Giorgia Marras was born in Genoa, Italy, on the 12th of March 1988. She studied Graphic Design and Visual Communication at the Accademia di Belle Arti of Genoa and Art Plastiques at The Université Paris 8. She was an artist in residence at the Atelierhaus Salzamt of Linz (Austria), and then at the Maison des Auteurs of Angoulême for 4 years. She's a cartoonist and a freelance illustrator. She is currently based in Angoulême, France. Her first graphic-novel, Munch before Munch, based on the early life of the painter Edvard Munch, was first published in Italy in 2014 for Tuss editions, and then translated in French (Steinkis éditions) and Spanish (Sapristi Comic) in 2016. Her new graphic-novel Sissi, une femme au delà du conte de fées, about the life of the Empress Elisabeth of Austria, is now out for the French publisher Steinkis. It has been translated in German (for Knesebeck), in Italian (for Diabolo) and in Spanish (for Sapristi).

Source : auteure

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Scénario, Dessin, Couleurs