Olivia Chadha

Olivia Chadha

Olivia writes science fiction, fantasy, and literary novels for YA and adult audiences. She also holds a Ph.D. from Binghamton University’s creative writing program and a master's from the University of Colorado, Boulder's creative writing program. She has taught writing at Binghamton University and the University of Colorado, Boulder. Much of her research centers on the history of exile, India’s Partition, precarious borders and boundaries, global folklore and fairy tales, and the relationship between humans and the environment. Like her stories and characters, Olivia brings a diverse perspective to her writing: She was born in Illinois, raised in New Jersey, and grew up in Southern California. She is first-generation American of Punjabi Sikh and Latvian/German descent. Currently she's working on a sci-fi YA series set in a landscape based on a future India.

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