

Spécialiste et créateur de statue dans les univers tel que la bande dessinée, le cinéma, le jeux vidéo ou encore design toyz. Soucieux de faire partager leur passion, vous aurez l'occasion de découvrir les coulisses de l'atelier à travers les projets développés avec les auteurs... Created in the late 80's, the BOMBYX workshop had only one thing in mind. To sculpt with a lot of skills. Every little tool, such as knives and spatulas, became essential to our lives and they turn out becoming our best pals too. After convincing the EuroDisney theme park, more than 600 of our creations decorate their walls and halls. A lot of business trusted us as well, among them Lansay, nathan's games, Nestle and many others. After ten relentless years of loyal services toward everyone else, we decided to sculp differently. Differently because this time we wanted to work for ourselves, to serve our passions and interests, creating sculptures that we wanted to own, to see in our everyday life. Enthusiast on Franco-Belgian comics, movies and super heroes, we looked forward the elaboration of a common project : To give live in 3D to all of our heroes from yesterday to this day and beyond. To materialize that project, we've decided to lable that dream into a trademark. ATTAKUS Collection represents the hard work of enthusiastic men and women forming together an unbreakable chain of will and passion. The attakus team is composed of sculptors, but also secretaries, warehousemen, graphic designer ans salesmen. Altogether, we are not done making tou dream, over and over again.

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